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Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza 2000-2015 - Manuel G. Ocampo

WORK PAPER 02 - Annexed

Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Nayarit 2000-2015 - Maricela H. Pacheco


Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Oaxaca 2000-2015 - Maricela H. Pacheco


Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de San Luis Potosí 2000-2015 - Manuel G. Ocampo

WORK PAPER 5 - Annexed

Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Durango 2000-2015 - Laura E. Moreno

WORK PAPER 06 - Annexed

Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Guanajuato 2000-2015 - Laura E. Moreno

WORK PAPER 07 - Annexed

Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Nuevo León 2000-2015 - Maricela H. Pacheco

WORK PAPER 08 - Annexed

Reporte de investigación sobre las reformas a la Constitución del Estado de Chihuahua  2000-2015 - Laura E. Moreno













1st. Forum of young researchers The Constitutional Reforms 2008-2014 (2016)

The papers included here addresse issues in electoral, human rights and criminal law matters were delineated, touched or defined the reforms to the Constitution during the period between 2008 and 2014, issues that because of their importance in consolidating the Mexican democracy, substantially impacted the composition of the State, its institutions and procedures, but above all determined a new legal paradigm.














Institutions of law in Chiapas (2015)

The Researchers who make up the Institute, took ourselves on the task of analyzing and unraveling the main legal institutions that have been established within the Mexican state, anchoring them to the reality of the state of Chiapas, so that the student, researcher, official or common citizen has simple and didactic access to the legal, organizational and functional schemes that governs them.














Epistemological and methodological considerations on research of legal and social reality (2014)

This book aims to provide didactically theoretical information and practical resources to facilitate the demands made by developing an investigation.















Manual on the justiciability of the right of access to information (2013)

Human Rights have an unquestionable axiological content, however, they must also have a dimension of subjective public law strictly speaking, dimension in which the State has an obligation with a real content that can be claimed by every citizen. Latin American judges in the XXI century will in many cases have the responsibility to give specific meaning to the Right of Access to Information and trust that through their decisions a more egalitarian and fairer society may be attained. This manual aims to assist in their work.


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7a. Avenida Norte Esquina 5a. Calle Poniente S/N

Barrio Cruz Blanca

Ocozocoautla de Espinosa, Chiapas, México, 29140

Teléfono: +52 (968) 688 2877

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